Which Google Ads Campaign Is Best For Me?

Sep 19, 2023



In the earlier days of Google Ads, the decision-making process was more straightforward: service-based businesses gravitated towards Search campaigns, while eCommerce ventures leveraged the power of Shopping campaigns, often complemented by Search. But as the digital landscape has evolved, so too have the options within Google Ads, transforming this once simple choice into a strategic decision critical to marketing success.

Today, businesses can choose from an expanded suite of campaign types, including Search, Performance Max, Shopping, Display, Discovery, Video, and App campaigns. Each type offers unique benefits and caters to different aspects of customer engagement and conversion. Adding to this mix, Google is currently testing a new campaign type in open beta, "Demand Gen," which is poised to harness the advertising potential of platforms like YouTube Shorts, YouTube, and Gmail. This development signals a continuous evolution in digital marketing tools, reflecting the ever-changing consumer behavior and online interaction patterns.

👉 How I Use Google Shopping Campaigns in 2023

👉 How I Use Google Display Campaigns

Navigating this complex landscape requires not just an understanding of each campaign's mechanics and ideal use case but also a strategic approach tailored to your business's unique goals and resources. Budget considerations, for instance, play a crucial role, especially in newer campaign types like Performance Max, where inadequate spending can limit the effectiveness of Google's sophisticated algorithms.

In this article, I aim to demystify the process of selecting the right Google Ads campaign for your business. I'll delve into how each campaign functions, where your ads will appear, and what objectives they are best suited to achieve. My goal is to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions, ensuring that your advertising efforts on the Google Ads platform are as impactful and efficient as possible.

Google Ads Campaign Types

To effectively choose the right Google Ads campaign for your business, it's essential to understand the unique features and ideal use cases of each type. Here's a breakdown:

Search Campaigns

  • Overview: Search campaigns are the backbone of Google Ads. They display text ads in Google's search results when people look for products or services similar to yours.
  • Ideal Use: Best for businesses aiming to capture high-intent traffic, i.e., users actively searching for specific products or services.
  • Key Benefits: Directly targets users with specific intent, high conversion potential.
  • Limitations: Limited to text format, requires careful keyword research and management.

Performance Max

  • Overview: A newer addition, Performance Max, uses Google's machine learning to optimize ad performance across all Google's platforms.
  • When to Use: Ideal for businesses looking to maximize conversion value and reach across various Google properties without managing multiple campaigns.
  • Unique Features: Automates bid strategies, targeting, and ad placements across Google's networks, including YouTube, Google Search, and the Display Network.

Shopping Campaigns

  • Overview: Shopping campaigns display product listings directly in Google's search results and Google Shopping.
  • Suitability: Best for eCommerce businesses wanting to showcase their products visually in search results.
  • Maximizing ROI: Requires high-quality product images, accurate pricing, and competitive product features.

Display Campaigns

  • Overview: These campaigns show visual ads (image or video) across a vast network of websites in the Google Display Network.
  • Use Cases: Ideal for building brand awareness and retargeting previous website visitors.
  • Strategies: Focus on eye-catching visuals and strategic placement to capture attention in various online contexts.

Discovery Campaigns

  • Overview: Discovery campaigns use engaging, personalized ads to reach users across Google's feeds, like the YouTube home feed and Gmail.
  • Engaging Customers: Best for reaching users who are not actively searching but are likely interested in your offerings.
  • Tips: Use compelling images and messaging that resonate with the audience's interests and behaviors.

Video Campaigns

  • Overview: Video campaigns primarily run on YouTube and reach viewers with video content.
  • Engagement Strategy: Ideal for storytelling, product demonstrations, or brand promotion through engaging video content.
  • Best Practices: Focus on creative storytelling, clear messaging, and strong calls-to-action within the video format.

App Campaigns

  • Overview: Aimed at promoting mobile apps, these campaigns drive app installs and engagement across Google's properties.
  • Promotion Strategy: Best for app developers or businesses with a significant mobile app component.
  • Measuring Success: Track app installs, user engagement, and in-app actions to gauge campaign effectiveness.

Demand Gen (Beta)

Overview: A new beta campaign focusing on advertising through YouTube Shorts, YouTube, and Gmail.

Potential and Applicability: Aimed at leveraging newer, content-rich platforms for broader audience reach.

Anticipated Features: Expected to offer innovative ways of engaging with audiences in more interactive and visual formats.

Each campaign type offers distinct advantages and is suited to different stages of the customer journey. By choosing the right combination of campaigns, businesses can create a comprehensive and effective online advertising strategy.

Budget Considerations for Each Campaign Type

A critical aspect of your Google Ads strategy is budget allocation. How much you invest and how you distribute your budget across different campaign types can significantly impact the effectiveness of your advertising efforts. Here’s a look at budget considerations for each type of Google Ads campaign:

General Budgeting Advice for Google Ads

  • Baseline Budgeting: Start with a budget you are comfortable with and adjust based on performance and objectives.
  • ROI Focus: Aim to understand the return on investment (ROI) for each campaign type and adjust budgets to favor those with the highest returns.

Specific Budget Recommendations for Each Campaign Type

  • Search Campaigns: Recommended to have a budget that can generate at least 10 clicks per day or 300 clicks per month. This level enables comprehensive search term analysis and effective ad copy testing.
  • Performance Max: Allocate a budget that secures at least 30 conversions over a 30-day period. This threshold is essential for the algorithm to identify valuable traffic sources.
  • Shopping Campaigns: Budgeting should be based on product margins and market competitiveness. Monitor the cost per acquisition (CPA) closely to ensure profitability.
  • Display Campaigns: Start with a modest budget for brand awareness and increase based on engagement metrics. For retargeting, allocate a higher budget as it typically has a higher ROI.
  • Discovery Campaigns: These campaigns often require a moderate budget to test different audiences and creatives effectively.
  • Video Campaigns: Budget depends on the campaign goal. Brand awareness campaigns might require a larger budget compared to targeted conversion campaigns.
  • App Campaigns: Budget should align with desired user acquisition costs. Focus on lifetime value (LTV) of app users to guide budget decisions.
  • Demand Gen (Beta): As it’s still in beta, start with a test budget and scale based on initial performance metrics.

How Budget Impacts Campaign Performance

  • Data Collection: Adequate budgeting allows for sufficient data collection, essential for machine learning algorithms to optimize campaigns.
  • A/B Testing: A larger budget can facilitate more robust A/B testing of ads, helping to refine strategies and improve performance.
  • Market Penetration: For competitive markets, a larger budget may be necessary to gain significant visibility and reach.

Budget planning in Google Ads is not just about how much to spend, but also about how to allocate resources across different campaigns to maximize impact. Businesses need to constantly review and adjust their budgets based on performance data and changing market conditions. This dynamic approach ensures that your Google Ads campaigns remain effective and aligned with your overall marketing objectives.

Setting Goals and Measuring Success

An essential step in any Google Ads strategy is setting clear, measurable goals and understanding how to track and assess the success of your campaigns. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this process:

Defining Clear Objectives for Your Campaigns

  • Business Objectives: Align your campaign goals with your broader business objectives, such as increasing sales, generating leads, or building brand awareness.
  • SMART Goals: Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  • Campaign-Specific Goals: Different campaign types should have different objectives. For example, Search campaigns might focus on lead generation, while Display campaigns could aim for brand awareness.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Each Campaign Type

  • Search Campaigns: Key metrics include Click-Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate, Cost Per Click (CPC), and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).
  • Performance Max: Focus on Conversion Value, Conversion Rate, and Cost Per Acquisition (CPA).
  • Shopping Campaigns: Monitor metrics such as Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), ROAS, and Average Order Value (AOV).
  • Display Campaigns: Track Impressions, CTR, and Engagement Metrics.
  • Discovery Campaigns: Key KPIs include Engagement Rate, CTR, and Conversion Metrics.
  • Video Campaigns: Measure View Rate, Watch Time, and Conversions driven by video content.
  • App Campaigns: Look at App Install Rate, In-App Actions, and User Retention.
  • Demand Gen (Beta): Since it's in beta, focus on Engagement Metrics and Conversion Rates specific to the platforms used (e.g., YouTube Shorts, Gmail).

Tools and Techniques for Tracking and Analysis

  • Google Analytics: Integrate Google Ads with Google Analytics for deeper insights into user behavior and campaign performance.
  • Conversion Tracking: Set up conversion tracking in Google Ads to measure actions like purchases, sign-ups, and other key activities on your website.
  • A/B Testing: Regularly test different elements of your campaigns, such as ad copy, targeting options, and landing pages, to optimize performance.
  • Regular Reporting: Establish a routine for monitoring and reporting on campaign performance, enabling timely adjustments and strategic pivots.

Setting goals and measuring success in Google Ads is not a “set it and forget it” endeavor. It requires ongoing attention and adjustment. By continuously monitoring performance against your goals and adapting your strategies accordingly, you can ensure that your Google Ads campaigns are effectively contributing to your business’s success. This approach not only helps in achieving short-term objectives but also aligns with long-term growth and market adaptation.