How to Use Broad Match Keywords The Right Way

Sep 05, 2023

Google Ads has consistently been at the forefront of digital marketing, shaping how businesses reach their target audiences. The year 2023 has been no exception, witnessing yet another paradigm shift in the realm of keyword targeting. Gone are the days when advertisers could rely solely on exact match keywords to fine-tune their ad reach. Today's digital marketing narrative is increasingly being dominated by the strategic use of broad match keywords.

👉 Google Ads in 2023 has changed... AGAIN!

This shift isn't just a trivial update; it's a pivotal change in how Google interprets and responds to user queries. Unless you've managed to stay cocooned in your 2020 lockdown social bubble, you're likely aware of these major changes. Google's algorithm has grown more sophisticated, focusing less on the literal text of keywords and more on the intent behind them. This evolution marks a significant opportunity for advertisers to tap into a broader yet more relevant audience pool, catching potential customers earlier in their buying journey.

Google Ads' Evolution

To fully appreciate the significance of broad match keywords in 2023, let’s take a look at the journey Google Ads has taken over the years. This evolution reflects Google's ongoing commitment to improving user experience and providing advertisers with powerful tools to reach their target audiences more effectively.

The Early Days of Exact Match Keywords (Pre-2014)

  • Initially, Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) offered a straightforward approach to keyword targeting. Exact match keywords were taken literally – ads would only show if a user's search query matched the keyword exactly.
  • This approach provided advertisers with a high degree of control but often limited the reach of their campaigns.

The Introduction of Close Variants (2014)

  • In 2014, Google made a significant update by introducing "close variants" to exact match keywords. This change meant that exact match keywords could now trigger ads for search queries that included plurals, misspellings, and slight variations of the keyword.
  • The update was a step towards accommodating the nuances of human language and search behavior.

Expansion of Exact Match Criteria (2018)

  • Fast forward to 2018, and Google took another leap. The criteria for exact match keywords were relaxed further, encompassing user search terms that shared the same meaning or intent, even if the wording was different.
  • This change was driven by advancements in Google's machine learning technology, enabling a better understanding of user intent.

The Current Landscape and the Shift Towards Broad Match (2023)

  • Today, the landscape has shifted dramatically. Google no longer relies solely on matching the exact words in a search query. Instead, it delves into the meaning behind keyword phrases, leveraging sophisticated AI and machine learning algorithms.
  • This shift has led to a decreased emphasis on exact match keywords and a growing importance of broad match keywords in reaching a wider yet relevant audience.

AI and Machine Learning

  • The evolution of Google Ads is heavily influenced by advancements in AI and machine learning. These technologies allow Google to analyze vast amounts of data, understand search context, and predict user behavior.
  • This capability has enabled Google Ads to move beyond simple keyword matching to a more nuanced understanding of search queries, making broad match keywords an indispensable tool for advertisers.

Broad Match Keywords In the Current Algorithm

As we navigate through the evolved landscape of Google Ads, it becomes imperative to have a clear understanding of what broad match keywords are and how they function in the current ecosystem. This section will demystify broad match keywords, setting the stage for effective utilization in your advertising strategy.

Definition and Characteristics of Broad Match Keywords

  • Broad match keywords are the default match type in Google Ads. They allow your ads to show on searches that include any word in your keyword phrase, in any order, along with related terms.
  • This match type is characterized by its flexibility, enabling ads to be triggered by a wide range of search queries, including synonyms, related searches, and other variations.

How Google Interprets Broad Match Keywords

  • Google’s interpretation of broad match keywords goes beyond just matching the words. It involves analyzing the context and intent behind a search query.
  • Google's algorithm considers the user's search history, the content of the landing page associated with the keyword, and other relevant factors to determine the best match.

Broad Match vs. Exact Match and Phrase Match Keywords

  • Unlike exact match keywords, which require the search query to match the keyword exactly or closely, broad match keywords have a broader scope.
  • Phrase match keywords fall somewhere in between, where the search query must include the phrase in the same order but may have additional words before or after.
  • Broad match keywords offer the greatest reach but can sometimes lead to less targeted traffic, whereas exact match provides precision at the cost of reach.

Benefits of Using Broad Match Keywords

  • Increased Reach: Broad match keywords can expose your ads to a wider audience, capturing potential customers who might use varied terms or phrases to search for your product or service.
  • Time Efficiency: They reduce the need for exhaustive keyword lists, saving time in keyword research.
  • Learning Opportunities: By analyzing the performance of broad match keywords, advertisers can gain insights into customer behavior and refine their advertising strategies.

Challenges and Considerations

  • While broad match keywords can expand reach, they also pose challenges in terms of relevancy. There's a risk of attracting unqualified traffic, which can affect campaign efficiency.
  • It's crucial to balance reach with relevance by carefully selecting broad match keywords that align closely with your product or service.

Optimizing Broad Match Keywords with Negative Keywords

  • An effective way to harness the power of broad match keywords while maintaining relevance is through the use of negative keywords. These are words or phrases that you specify to prevent your ad from showing in unrelated searches.
  • Regularly updating your list of negative keywords is essential for optimizing the performance of broad match campaigns.

Why Broad Match Keywords Are More Relevant Now

The evolving digital landscape and changes in user search behavior have catapulted broad match keywords to the forefront of effective Google Ads strategies. This section explores why these keywords have become increasingly relevant and how they can be pivotal in capturing a wider, yet pertinent, audience in 2023.

Shift in User Search Behavior

  • The way people search online has become more conversational and less predictable. Users often use long-tail queries or phrases that may not exactly match specific keywords but still imply intent.
  • Broad match keywords cater to this trend by allowing ads to show up for a diverse range of search queries, capturing the essence of what users are looking for.

Google’s Focus on Intent and Context

  • Google’s algorithm has become more sophisticated in understanding the context and intent behind a search query. This development means that matching the exact words of a search query is less crucial than understanding what the user is trying to find.
  • Broad match keywords align perfectly with this approach, as they allow Google’s AI to match your ads with a broader array of searches that are relevant to your product or service, based on intent and context.

Enhanced Reach at Earlier Stages of the Buying Process

  • Broad match keywords enable advertisers to connect with potential customers earlier in their buying journey. By targeting broader terms, ads can reach users who are in the initial stages of research or problem identification, not just those ready to purchase.
  • This early engagement can be crucial in brand awareness and influencing the customer's decision-making process.

Reduced Need for Extensive Keyword Lists

  • In the past, advertisers would create exhaustive lists of exact and phrase match keywords to cover all potential search queries. With the effectiveness of broad match keywords, this is no longer necessary.
  • Broad match keywords reduce the time and effort spent on keyword research, allowing advertisers to focus more on other aspects of campaign optimization and strategy.

Adaptation to Mobile and Voice Search

  • With the increasing use of mobile devices and voice search, search queries have become more varied and less predictable. Broad match keywords are more adept at matching these diverse search patterns.
  • This adaptability is essential for staying relevant in an increasingly mobile-first world where voice searches often involve natural language and longer phrases.

Strategies for Effective Use of Broad Match Keywords

Effectively using broad match keywords requires a nuanced approach, balancing specificity and reach while aligning with your overall marketing strategy.

Selecting the Right Broad Match Keywords

Selecting the right broad match keywords is a critical step in your Google Ads strategy. It's essential to understand your target audience and how they might search for your products or services. The goal is to choose keywords that are not only relevant but also encompass a variety of user search intents. 

This process can be aided by tools like Google's Keyword Planner, which offers insights into keyword performance and relevance. However, it's important to avoid overly generic keywords, as they can attract irrelevant traffic, leading to increased costs without improving conversions. Focusing on long-tail keywords, which are more specific and less competitive, can help in attracting more qualified traffic.

Incorporating Negative Keywords

Incorporating negative keywords into your strategy is vital for optimizing the performance of broad match keywords. Regularly updating your negative keyword list helps filter out irrelevant traffic, ensuring that your ads are displayed to the most appropriate audience. This can be done by analyzing search query reports to identify terms that do not convert or are irrelevant to your business, thus preventing your ad from showing in these searches.

Monitoring and Refining Keyword Performance

Effective use of broad match keywords involves continuous monitoring and refining. Tracking performance metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per conversion is crucial. This data should be used in an iterative process to refine your keyword strategy, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your campaign. Additionally, leveraging AI and machine learning tools can provide predictive insights and assist in optimizing your broad match keyword campaigns.

Quality of Ad Copy and Landing Pages

The success of broad match keywords is also dependent on the quality of your ad copy and landing pages. They must be closely aligned with your keywords to improve ad relevance and the quality score. Your messaging should be tailored to appeal to a broader audience while still being specific enough to resonate with your target demographic.

Testing and Experimentation

Testing and experimentation are essential in determining the most effective broad match keyword strategy. Experimenting with different keyword combinations and observing their impact on campaign performance can provide valuable insights. A/B testing can be particularly useful in this context. Moreover, broad match keywords should be integrated as part of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, aligning with other campaign types and overall business objectives for a cohesive approach.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Broad Match Keywords

Navigating the use of broad match keywords in Google Ads requires a careful approach to avoid common pitfalls that can undermine the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Overgeneralization of Keywords 

One of the most frequent mistakes is using overly broad or general keywords. This can lead to attracting irrelevant traffic, resulting in lower conversion rates and higher costs. It's crucial to strike a balance between broadness and specificity.

Neglecting Negative Keywords

Failing to regularly update and expand your negative keyword list can result in ads appearing for irrelevant searches. Consistently refining this list is key to maintaining the relevance and efficiency of your campaigns.

Inadequate Keyword Research and Testing

Underestimating the importance of thorough keyword research and ongoing testing can hinder the performance of broad match keywords. Continuous experimentation and refinement based on data-driven insights are essential for optimizing campaign success.

Ignoring Search Query Reports

Not reviewing search query reports can lead to missed opportunities for optimization. These reports provide valuable insights into how actual search terms align with your keywords, informing necessary adjustments.

Lack of Integrated Strategy

Broad match keywords should not be used in isolation but as part of a broader, cohesive digital marketing strategy. Isolating them from other components of your advertising efforts can limit their potential impact.

Optimizing Campaigns with Broad Match Keywords

Effective optimization of campaigns using broad match keywords is key to maximizing return on investment in Google Ads.

Regular Review and Adjustment 

It’s important to regularly review the performance of your broad match keywords. Analyze metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per conversion. Based on these insights, make necessary adjustments to your keyword selection and bidding strategies.

Utilize Advanced Targeting Options 

Leverage Google Ads’ advanced targeting options, like demographic targeting, location targeting, and device targeting, to further refine how your broad match keywords reach potential customers. This ensures that your ads are displayed to the most relevant audience.

Integrate with Machine Learning and Automation Tools 

Use Google’s machine learning and automated bidding strategies to optimize your broad match keyword campaigns. These tools can help in adjusting bids in real-time, based on the likelihood of conversion.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation 

Stay informed about the latest trends and updates in Google Ads. The platform is continually evolving, and staying updated allows you to adapt your strategies to the latest best practices and features.

By focusing on these optimization strategies, you can enhance the effectiveness of your broad match keyword campaigns, ensuring they contribute significantly to achieving your overall advertising goals.