Google Ads in 2023 has changed... AGAIN!

Jun 27, 2023

Over the past two years, Google Ads has undergone a significant transformation, leaving even experienced advertisers grappling with the changes.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not newcomers to Google Ads who are struggling the most, but those who have been running campaigns for three years or longer.

The reason for their difficulties lies in the fact that Google Ads no longer functions as it once did. In this blog post, we will explore the key changes that have taken place and discuss how advertisers can adapt their campaign structures and optimization strategies to achieve sustained success in the evolving landscape of Google Ads.

The Evolving Nature of Keyword Match Types

Previously, Google Ads allowed advertisers to create highly specific search and shopping ads that would trigger only for particular user search terms. Advertisers could even dictate the order of words required for their ads to appear. However, this level of control has diminished significantly.

Keyword match types have undergone substantial changes, with Google Ads shifting towards meaning or intent-based targeting. This means that exact match targeting may no longer guarantee that your ads will be displayed solely for the intended search terms. For instance, a search for "[Online Motorcycle Insurance]" might trigger ads for a competitor's online motorcycle insurance claims call center. Advertisers must adapt to this shift by understanding and embracing the evolving targeting methods.

The Rise of AI and Automated Ad Creation

Google has introduced automated ad creation, known as automatically created assets (ACA), for Search ads. These ACAs utilize content from landing pages and existing ads to generate headlines and descriptions. Recently, Google announced the integration of generative AI into ACAs, allowing for the creation and adaptation of Search ads based on the context of a user's query.

For example, a search for "skin care for dry sensitive skin" can prompt AI to generate a headline like "Soothe Your Dry, Sensitive Skin," aligning more closely with the user's query and improving ad relevance. Although this may initially cause concerns for many advertisers, it is essential to recognize the opportunities this AI-driven approach presents.

Adapting to the Changing Landscape

Instead of fearing these changes, successful advertisers have discovered ways to leverage them in their favor. By setting up their Google Ads campaigns to complement and enhance the AI functionality that Google has introduced into Search and Performance Max campaigns, they are achieving continued success. This involves reevaluating campaign structures, optimization techniques, and aligning them with the evolving algorithms and targeting methods.

Google Ads has undergone a significant shift in the past two years, affecting advertisers who have been running campaigns for an extended period. The changes in keyword match types and the integration of AI-driven automated ad creation have transformed the advertising landscape. Advertisers must adapt their strategies to embrace these changes to achieve long-term success with Google Ads.

By understanding the evolving nature of keyword targeting and optimizing their campaigns to align with AI functionality, advertisers can thrive in the new era of Google Ads.