New Dashboard - Optimising Your Performance Max Campaign

Jun 15, 2023

Performance Max is an exceptional Google campaign type that leverages automated bidding, advanced targeting, and AI capabilities to drive optimal results.

However, it is crucial to understand that even with Google's powerful tools, regularly implementing core optimization actions is key to achieving success with Performance Max campaigns.

In this blog post, we will explore the top three optimization actions you need to focus on in 2023. But before we dive in, it's important to acknowledge the recent changes made by Google that affect the Google Ads dashboard and necessitate an updated optimisation approach.

  1. Develop a Clear Optimization Strategy: To effectively optimize your Performance Max campaign, it is vital to establish a well-defined optimization strategy. This strategy will enable you to identify the key areas that require review and optimization within your Google Ads account. By aligning your actions with Google's automated learning and data, you can maximize the benefits derived from the platform's intelligent algorithms.
  2. Exercise Patience and Allow Sufficient Time for Changes to Take Effect: One common mistake that advertisers make is hastily reverting campaign changes after only a day or two. It is essential to understand that certain modifications, such as adjusting bidding strategies, require time to yield the desired results. These changes may take anywhere from 10 to 14 days before their impact becomes apparent. Therefore, exercising patience and allowing sufficient time for optimization actions to take effect is critical.
  3. Stay Updated with the Latest Google Ads Dashboard Changes: Google frequently updates its Ads dashboard, often resulting in changes to the interface and navigation options. If you have watched previous optimization videos, you may have encountered difficulties due to outdated tutorials. Consequently, staying up-to-date with the latest changes in the Google Ads dashboard is crucial for successfully optimizing your Performance Max campaigns in 2023.

While Performance Max campaigns harness the power of Google's automated capabilities, it is imperative to implement core optimization actions for sustained success. By developing a clear optimization strategy, exercising patience, and staying updated with the latest Google Ads dashboard changes, you can maximize the performance of your Performance Max campaigns in 2023. Remember, adapting to Google's ever-evolving landscape is key to staying ahead in the digital advertising realm.