How I Would Learn Google Ads... If I Could Start Over

Aug 15, 2023

There's no denying that the ability to skillfully manage Google Ads for profitability is a highly valuable expertise to cultivate.

Furthermore, despite the surge of AI technology, Google Ads is steadfastly holding its ground. In the previous year, Google's ad revenue surged to a staggering 224.47 billion dollars, with projections indicating a potential growth to over 350 billion by 2026.

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With my extensive background as a freelancer, agency owner, and experience heading the Search & Digital departments for several prominent Digital Agencies, I can confidently assert that among the various facets of digital marketing, Google Ads commands the highest demand.

This is particularly intriguing considering that Google Ads remains one of the least popular skills to master, as indicated by the Google Search trends for the core Digital Marketing topics:

  • Google Ads Management
  • Social Media Management
  • SEO Management
  • Website Development

Oddly, Google Ads scarcely registers in these trends, despite its significant 2022 spend nearly doubling that of Meta ads. In 2022, Google commanded 42% of the total digital marketing spend, while Meta trailed at 22%.

This discrepancy fuels my belief that Google Ads presents the best digital marketing skill to focus on, given its relatively low competition for mastery, coupled with its high expenditure.

The rationale behind this phenomenon can be attributed to my theory, which emerged particularly during my time interviewing prospective agency employees. At that time, Social Media Management was in vogue, drawing those with creative flair. Meanwhile, SEO and Web Development attracted tech enthusiasts and problem solvers. Google Ads, with its requirement for both analytical skills and creativity, found itself in a middle ground.

However, let's get back on track. The crux of the matter is: How would I approach learning Google Ads if I were starting today?

Before diving into the details, allow me to introduce myself. I am Aaron Young from DDA, and I've been effectively managing profitable Google Ads campaigns since 2010.

Back when I embarked on my Google Ads journey in 2010, resources were limited, with Google's Ads Certification courses as the primary learning avenue. This was a time when YouTube had just emerged in 2005 and was still in its infancy, focused mainly on music videos and comedy sketches. Resources beyond Google were scattered across blogs and Reddit forums. My learning path primarily involved hands-on experimentation and data analysis.

Fortunately, the landscape has transformed, and learning Google Ads is now more accessible. Thus, I present the steps I would undertake to learn Google Ads in 2023.

  • Google Skillshop: This should be your starting point. Skillshop, formerly Google Ads certifications, provides the foundational language and concepts of Google Ads. It covers terms like CTR, KW quality score, search impressions, and ad rank, as well as the mechanics of the Google Ads auction and campaign types. However, it falls short in teaching campaign management and optimization.
  • YouTube: The next step is setting up Google Ads campaigns correctly. YouTube is an excellent resource for this phase. When searching for tutorials, consider the instructor's specialization in Google Ads and the video's release date (preferably within the past 6-12 months). Focus on videos that guide you in not just setting up but setting up effectively for optimal results.
  • Invest in Learning: Learning Google Ads thoroughly might require investment. Consider enrolling in a Google Ads course or a paid community. Look for courses with instructors whose teaching style resonates with you, up-to-date content, an active questions section, and a money-back guarantee for added security.
  • Hands-On Experience: Learning is incomplete without practical application. Manage various types of Google Ads campaigns to gain real-world insights.
  • Agency Experience: Lastly, I recommend spending a few years in a digital agency. While many aspire to jump from learning to freelancing or agency ownership, my experience suggests that agency exposure, handling diverse accounts, provides a richer understanding of Google Ads' intricacies.

These are the steps I'd follow to master Google Ads, beginning from today.