How to Optimize Your Google Ads Performance Max Campaigns for Quality Leads

How to Optimize Your Google Ads Performance Max Campaigns for Quality Leads

googleads optimisation quality leads Sep 25, 2024

If you're running Google Ads Performance Max campaigns and noticing a high volume of low-quality leads after the initial phase, you're not alone. Many advertisers face this challenge. In this blog post, we’ll dive into Performance Max optimization techniques that will help you improve the quality of leads by reviewing and excluding irrelevant placements.


Why You Need to Focus on Lead Quality

When running Performance Max campaigns, it’s common to see a surge in leads during the first 30 to 90 days. However, as the campaign progresses, the quality of those leads can drop. This is particularly concerning for lead generation businesses that depend on high-quality inquiries for future sales.

Google Ads often prioritizes increasing lead volume, but that doesn’t always translate into quality. What you need is fewer, higher-quality conversions, which you can achieve through proper placement exclusions.


Step-by-Step Guide to Optimizing Google Ads Placements

  1. Review Your Performance Max Placements Report
    To begin, log into your Google Ads account and head to the Insights and Reports section. Locate the Performance Max Placements Report, which details where your ads have been shown. Keep in mind, the report will only show impressions and not clicks or conversions.

  2. Identify and Exclude Low-Quality Sites
    Once you have the report, download the data and analyze it. You’ll likely find some irrelevant or low-quality websites that your ads are appearing on. Exclude these from your campaigns by going into the audiences, keywords, and content section of your account, then into content exclusions.

  3. Automate the Process with a Performance Max Script
    To streamline this process, consider using a script like Mike Rhodes' Performance Max Script. This paid tool can help automate the exclusion of poor placements, saving you time and effort.

 👉 Maximize Your Google Ads ROI with Mike Rhodes' Performance Max Script


Benefits of Placement Optimization in Performance Max Campaigns

Excluding irrelevant placements may result in fewer total conversions, but it will significantly improve the quality of the leads you receive. By optimizing placements, you'll ensure that your Google Ads Performance Max campaigns focus on the right traffic sources, which is essential for lead generation businesses.

Key Benefits:

  • Improved Lead Quality: Fewer, but better leads that are more likely to convert.
  • Optimized Ad Spend: More of your budget will be allocated to high-quality sites that drive conversions.
  • Better Data for Google Ads Algorithm: By refining the data Google Ads uses, your campaigns will optimize more effectively.


Performance Max Optimization: A Proven Strategy for Better Results

One case study we reviewed found that excluding poor placements significantly reduced the number of low-quality leads and improved overall campaign performance. By using tools like Google Ads optimization checklists and paid scripts, you can ensure that your Performance Max campaigns are continually improving.



Final Thoughts

By taking the time to exclude irrelevant placements, you’re setting your Performance Max campaigns up for long-term success. Whether you manually exclude sites or use a script for automation, this optimization strategy can dramatically improve the quality of your leads.